IPAS positioning system

Source of demand

Whether it is variable data inkjet printing or post press efficiency enhancement, secondary printing is required on the printed product. Due to factors such as uneven paper cutting, image deformation in the previous printing process, repeated errors in the previous printing process, paper deformation, paper feeding mechanism errors, and transmission mechanism errors, the accumulated secondary printing errors sometimes reach the millimeter level, seriously affecting the quality of inkjet printing. Moreover, traditional mechanical positioning control methods cannot achieve error elimination and compensation.

The launch of the IPAS (Intelligent Printing Alignment System) intelligent printing positioning system was first successfully applied in Jingjun Technology's single sheet post printing efficiency enhancing products, and then smoothly ported to Jingjun Technology's high-end variable data inkjet product line to meet the high-precision printing needs of high-end printing products such as cigarette packs and daily chemical products.

System composition

Multiple sets of high-frequency high-precision CCD cameras: the maximum response speed can reach 300m/min, reducing the time loss of image acquisition and ensuring that image acquisition is not distorted when the paper is running at high speed;

High precision displacement platform: ensures that the positioning accuracy of the image acquisition system as a benchmark is higher than 0.01mm;

High precision displacement control system: combined with high-precision encoder closed-loop feedback control, real-time acquisition of camera physical position, achieving automation and intelligence of system control;

High speed main control system: achieving real-time and high-precision control of image acquisition and processing, servo motor motion, etc.

Core advantages

Automatic capture of printing positioning signs: In the initial learning state, simply align the camera's field of view slightly with the positioning signs on the printed layout. The IPAS system will automatically control the camera's movement, capture the center of the positioning signs, and set the system's working origin. Reduce manual intervention and shorten equipment debugging time;

Automatic learning for homework switching: When switching printing jobs or changing printing materials, adjustments can be made through software parameter settings. Through IPAS, printing labels will be automatically found and located based on paper specifications and job information. Greatly improve work efficiency and shorten homework switching time. You can also save different job information and retrieve it directly during the next production.