Dimatix Materials Printer (DMP) is a desktop (desktop), laboratory material deposition system with an accuracy of up to micrometers. It is designed to micro precisely spray various functional fluids onto almost any surface, including plastic, glass, ceramics and silicon, as well as flexible substrates from films, gel and films.
Dimatix Materials Printer (DMP) is a desktop (desktop), laboratory material deposition system with an accuracy of up to micrometers. It is designed to micro precisely spray various functional fluids onto almost any surface, including plastic, glass, ceramics and silicon, as well as flexible substrates from films, gel and films.
Flat substrate, xyz three-axis platform, inkjet deposition system
Low cost, user refillable piezoelectric inkjet cartridges
Built in droplet spray observation system
Calibration camera for substrate alignment and measurement
PC controlled variable spray resolution and pattern creation, with graphical user interface (GUI) application software
Capable of spraying multiple fluid materials
Heating vacuum platform
Ink cartridge cleaning station
Software included